tips for choosing your next browesr
At the exact moment you’ve finished writing a post, and you’re ready to upload – really, the most critical time – your browser hangs. Truth is, you don’t really care why. All you want is a fast, effective browser that handles your online activities and applications without ridiculous errors. So how do you find the browser that will help you surf with ease?
find smarter and friendly browser
The average surfer does about ten different things with their browser when they surf. A smart, friendly browser is supposed to be an effective tool that supports all online applications. It’s also supposed to help you move easily between the pages of sites you visit, and handle all applications on those sites. Generally, people are not even aware how important their browser is until they run into a problem. Most browsers support the majority of online applications, but not every last one. When was the last time you surfed without having some kind of bug? At least once a day, if not more, you find yourself stuck with a browser that just won’t work. You can spend frustrating hours trying to understand and fix the problem.
browser+search engine=walltrix
The WallTriX browser is much more than simply a browser. It is also a smart search engine that converts text files into images. More than that, it’s a comprehensive media player that supports all current media formats easily, without problems. You can even search using any other search engine you like, and WallTriX will post the results to a convenient image wall! This makes any search you do far more effective, and avoids all the time and frustration of finding sites that have no relevance to your search. The WallTriX browser presents each site as an image so you can immediately see the ones you actually want.
locate your lost files with walltrix browser
If you want to search for documents on your own computer, you’ll also find that WallTriX browser is great at locating lost files, especially files with similar names that you can’t tell apart. WallTriX does it fast and easy and helps you by showing the files as images that you can compare to each other at a glance!
whole new world of online potential
This is the remarkable innovation that separates WallTriX from other browsers. The WallTriX interface is a real internet revolution that opens up a whole new world of online potential to surfers. WallTriX is just easy to use, and presents every document, audio and video file as an image. This way, you control and organize your content with an ease you’ve never known.
seef for your ideal partner
The WallTriX browser is an amazing piece of Israeli technology that will enable the next generation of web surfers to enjoy a better surfing experience. Today, browsing has become frenetic and average surfers move rapidly between many different sites. At every stop, they conduct a variety of activities, from watching movies to downloading photos, or perhaps file sharing or spending time on social networks. In all of this, WallTriX is your ideal partner. It’s smart, friendly, supports everything you want to do online with total trouble-free comfort.