Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Britney Spears’ Circus Vs. Beyonce’s Sweet Dreams

The Battle of the Century Between Britney and Beyonce on Your Desktop!
Let the two hottest pop divas fight it out on your desktop! In Google searches, the term “Britney Spears” gets you 443,000 results. Look for “Beyonce” and you’ll get 332,000 returns. These results comprise thousands of video clips, tribute videos, imitations and parodies. Now you can build your own desktop display wall made up of your selections from all of this content.

WallTriX Helps You Decide, WallTriX Helps You Choose
Setting up the battle of the century is easy! Just go to the WallTriX site and download the free software. This will immediately give you a new world of possibilities for display, organization, search and playout on your desktop. From today, you don’t have to choose between Britney and Beyonce. You can play them both, simultaneously. And not just one clip. You can play up to ten videos at the same time.

Set up a Video Head to Head and Send it to Your Friends
WallTriX helps you distribute your display wall to your entire email list. This way, you can share the fun with your friends on the WallTriX platform. Invite your friends to view the video wall you built. If you want, you can even invite Britney and Beyonce!

Search for the Hottest Videos Only
WallTriX helps you with this too! The WallTriX smart search engine displays videos as images. Now you can quickly identify the clips you want. You know instantly if what you are looking for is what you’ve found. It’s friendly and easy, and it won’t cost you a single cent. WallTriX is free for everyone, without limits. Go to the WallTriX site, sign up, download the software and let the battle begin!

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